FAQ's for School Counselors
How do I make an appointment to see my school counselor?
- On the Counseling home page - click on your school counselor's name to make an appointment with them.
- If you are in crisis while at school, go immediately to the counseling office.
- If you didn't make an appointment with your school counselor, but they need to see you, they will send a pass to your class.
If I am struggling in a class, who do I need to contact?
- It is very important that you first communicate with your teacher. Please set up an appointment with them to discuss strategies on how you can be successful in your classes.
- Visit our contact information page.
What is the process for changing my schedule?
- Students select classes through pre-registration in the spring. If a student/parent would like to request a change after pre-registration, this should be done in May or during the summer prior to July 1st. Changes requested in the summer should be made through the curriculum principal and will be permitted on a space available basis.
- Once classes begin in the fall, the school does not allow schedule changes unless the student was assigned to the wrong academic class. These changes should be requested through their Counselor. Any changes must be made within the first ten days of the semester.
- A class dropped after the first 10 days of the semester results in an automatic "W/F" (withdrawal with a grade of "F") for the course.
- Some schedule changes are generated due to over or under projection of student enrollment by the district (leveling).
- Requests for level changes (AP/Honors class to regular or regular to AP/Honors) must be completed by the end of the first grading period.
- If a student's schedule is changed, the grades earned in the original class will be averaged into the grades earned in the new class.
- The Master Schedule is based on student requests. It may not be possible to accommodate schedule changes out of AP or Honors classes in the fall. Students should plan carefully.
When do report cards become available?
Report cards are available at the end of each six weeks. Students/Parents can view their student's grades in their StudentVUE and ParentVUE accounts. Teachers have 3 days to enter grades after the grading period has ended. Report cards are printed and mailed from APS district offices. Most families receive report cards approximately 2 weeks after the grading period ends. If you do not receive your student's report card, please call the grade level secretary at 843-6400. Our Registrar recalculates class rankings in mid-January and early June. Only final semester grades show on transcripts; 6-week grades are not on the official transcript. Report cards and transcripts cannot be released for students with outstanding fines.
I will be missing school - who do I need to contact for my homework?
If your student is absent, it is imperative that they talk with their teachers about their absence(s) and what work they will be missing, what work they can get in advance, and/or what they can make up when they return. Students and parents can email their teachers from StudentVUE/ParentVUE.
Where can I view my transcript?
There are two places to see your transcript. An unofficial transcript can be downloaded in your StudentVUE account. Click on "Course History," and then you will click on the blue box that says "Unofficial Transcript" under Graduation Status. Your transcript will be automatically downloaded. If you are needing an official transcript (to be sent to colleges/universities, scholarships, employers), you need to order them through your Parchment account. Your transcript is your official, legal document. Please review it carefully and make sure your information/grades are correct. In the event that you notice incorrect information, contact our registrar, Mariah Fernandez.